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Wallington County Grammar School

School Uniform

All students will endeavour to take pride in their appearance at school and on their way to and from school. All students must observe the school dress code as follows:

Uniform for Year 7 to Year 11

  • School blazer
  • White shirt (long or short sleeves) tucked into trousers
  • School tie - tie must cover all shirt buttons
  • Top button done up
  • Black leather formal polished shoes
  • Charcoal grey or black trousers
  • Navy V-neck school jumper (optional)
  • Black or grey socks
  • Black leather belt (optional)
  • No jewellery except a watch
  • No piercings
  • Dark plain outdoor coat or school branded coat (optional, but no hoodies or denim)
  • Hair - no extremes of fashion
  • Clean-shaven or well-manicured, professional facial hair (unless for religious reasons)

Uniform expectations for Sixth Form

  • Business suit that is plain in colour (no patterns or checks) 
  • White shirt (long or short sleeves) tucked into trousers or skirt
  • Formal, dark leather shoes (no leather trainers)
  •  A Sixth Form tie (optional for female students). The tie must cover all shirt buttons.
    Celebratory ties such as a Full Colours tie, House tie, arts/humanities/science tie etc. may be worn instead of a Sixth Form tie, but not a lower school tie.
    Sixth Form ties are purchasable from Cladish Sports, located on Wallington High Street: https:/
  • (Optional) Dark leather belt
  • (Optional) Smart, unbranded v-neck jumper in navy blue, dark grey or black
  • (Optional) A warm, plain and dark-coloured coat (no hoodies, denim or tracksuit tops)
  • All jewellery must be discreet and professional.


In addition to purchasing new school uniform from Cladish, parents can donate and purchase second hand uniform from the PTFA at various times during the school year. Dates will be advertised on the PTFA pages of this website.

Sports uniform

Information on the sports uniform and where it can be purchased can be found here:

Sports Uniform