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Wallington County Grammar School

WCGS Charity

Charity plays an important part in the school's co-curriculum. We see it as an essential mechanism to help students develop an outward-looking approach to the world and, with that, a truly global perspective on life.

We encourage students to believe that they can make a difference, whether by raising money or awareness or by donating their time to good causes. Each year, students nominate two charities as a focus for our major fundraising activities: a ‘local’ charity, usually associated with the school or our local area, and a ‘global’ charity, normally chosen to fit needs that are seen by students as being particularly relevant in the world of today. Traditionally, funds raised by the Fashion and Talent Show go to the local charity and funds raised by RAG Week go to the global charity. In addition, the school also regularly supports various other charities, including LEPRA, the Liam Trust and Macmillan Cancer Research.  Each year school also raises money and awareness of men’s health issues during Movember. 

Fashion and Talent Show

The Fashion and Talent Show is an annual showcase for the musical, dramatic and sartorial talents of our students. Traditionally led by students in Year 12, the Fashion and Talent Show normally takes place in January.

RAG Week

RAG or ‘Raising and Giving Week’ is the school’s flagship charity event. Occupying a week in March, RAG Week witnesses many of the highlights of the co-curricular calendar: the student BBQ, Singstaff and House Music. Recent years have also seen the introduction of the staff arm-wrestling competition and the KS5 Charity Fair.