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Wallington County Grammar School

Careers Programme

Wallington County Grammar School is committed to providing independent and impartial Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) for all students. We want to ensure that they are informed about all available opportunities and equipped with the knowledge, experiences and attributes that will enable them to go on to achieve their personal best in the future. We continually strive to develop links with parents and carers, alumni, education and training providers alongside employers to ensure our students have the capacity to navigate and succeed in a rapidly evolving and global employment landscape so that they can truly overcome ‘difficulties to the heights’. 

CEIAG is an integral part of the co-curricular vision and delivered to students through a broad combination of form time activities, the wellbeing curriculum, SMSC days, clubs and societies and other co-curricular activities. Throughout their time at school, all students have opportunities to participate in events, encounter employers and receive personal guidance from our independent careers adviser and careers lead, both of whom are qualified guidance practitioners. There is a small careers library and information about post-16 and post-18 options is on display for students. Students in Year 10 and 12 receive a particularly strong programme of careers support including workplace visits, virtual work experience programmes and encounters with employers. While the vast majority of students aspire to professional careers, the school also incorporates information on technical pathways as part of a balanced careers programme. 

Our careers programme can be found by following the link below:

Careers programme

The impact of our careers programme is assessed through annual student and parent/carer surveys alongside analysing destination data in line with activities that students have taken part in at school.  Additionally, careers-related activities and events are monitored and reviewed on an ongoing basis and the views of all those who took part are captured and reviewed; this may include students, parents/carers, employers, visiting speakers and alumni. Feedback will be used to adapt, develop and enhance provision for the following academic year.  Student destination information can be found here:

The school keeps parents and students up-to-date with regular careers updates. These alert students to opportunities in and outside school, including summer schools, degree apprenticeship programmes, employer offers and competitions.  

We are thankful for the existing support from parents, carers, employers, educational institutions and other organisations for their crucial contribution to events, including our Year 8 careers encounter, careers enrichment programme, mock interviews, higher and further education fair and 'Wallington Works' work experience programme.

If you are interested in talking to students about your career journey to date, providing work experience opportunities, assisting with employability activities such as mock interviews or indeed have any other experience or skills you are willing to share with our students, please contact our Careers Lead, Dr Meek, at