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Wallington County Grammar School

Second Stage Entrance Examination FAQS

If your son is successful in reaching the qualifying pass mark from the Selective Eligibility Test (SET), he will then be invited to a Second Stage Entrance Examination.

Please now read the Second Stage Entrance Examination Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below

When is the Second Stage Entrance Examination? 

The Wallington County Grammar School Second Stage Entrance Examination will be held on Saturday 5 October 2024. All boys who have passed the Selective Eligibility Test for Wallington County Grammar School will receive an invitation to sit the Second Stage Entrance Examination. For this test on 5 October 2024, Wallington County Grammar School will be sharing its Second Stage Entrance Examination with Sutton Grammar School and Wilson’s School. The outcome of this shared second stage test will be used by each of the schools to determine eligibility for places at their school.

Why are Wilson’s School, Sutton Grammar School and Wallington County Grammar School sharing their entrance examinations? 

The three schools have agreed to share their Second Stage Entrance Examination. This has the advantage for boys who have passed the Selective Eligibility Test of only requiring them to sit one second stage examination, the results of which will be used independently by each school to determine eligibility to be considered for a place there.

There is no current or planned connection between the three schools beyond co-operation on our entrance testing arrangements. All three schools remain separate and distinct state funded academy schools. 

What is in the shared Second Stage Entrance Examination? 

The second-stage test will consist of two papers as follows:

  • Maths (45 minutes): this will be a standard maths paper.
  • English (1 hour): this paper will be an extended writing task.

The tests will not include verbal or non-verbal reasoning, and are not multiple choice.

Can I get specimen papers or sample questions for the shared Second Stage Entrance Examination? 

No, we do not make sample tests available. The content of the English and Mathematics tests is broadly based on the Key Stage 2 curriculum.

What is the pass mark in the Second Stage Entrance Examination? 

It is not possible to state pass marks in advance of the examination. Pass marks will be decided by each individual school after the papers have been marked. Wilson's School, Sutton Grammar School and Wallington County Grammar School may not necessarily set the same pass mark.

For Wallington County Grammar School, candidates must reach a pass standard in each of the English and Maths papers as well as the overall pass mark in order to be considered for a place at the school.

Does my son’s score in the Selective Eligibility Test count towards his score in the Second Stage Entrance Examination? 

Yes. Once the shared Second Stage Entrance Examination has been marked, each school will combine the scores of this test with the scores of the SET in accordance with its own Admissions Criteria.

For Wallington County Grammar School, candidates must pass both the English and the Mathematics papers from the Second Stage Entrance Examination to be eligible to be considered for a place in the rank order. The rank order of the entrance examinations is then determined on the basis of the aggregate scores of the two elements (English and Maths) of the Selective Eligibility Test and the two elements (English and Maths) of the Second Stage Entrance Examination in the ratio of 2:2:3:3.

Please refer to the Sutton Grammar School and Wilson’s School websites for details of how the scores for the second stage test will be used at each of these schools. 

Do we make allowances for age (as in a child whose birthday is at one end of the school year)? 

Appropriate adjustment for age will be considered before the aggregate score is calculated.

What if I am not interested in a place at Sutton Grammar School or Wallington County Grammar School or Wilson’s School?

That’s fine. Invitations are sent out automatically to all boys who have passed the Selective Eligibility Test for Sutton Grammar School, Wallington County Grammar School and Wilson’s School, but if you do not wish your son to sit the Second Stage Entrance Examination, please email us to let us know before the date of the test.

If your son does not sit the shared Second Stage Entrance Examination you should not name Wilson’s School or Sutton Grammar School or Wallington County Grammar School on your Common Application Form.  

I have received an invitation for my son to sit the shared Second Stage Entrance Examination at a particular school, but I am not interested in a place at that school. 

That's fine. The allocation of venue for the Second Stage Entrance Examination has been made so that, where possible, candidates have been allocated a different venue from the one they were allocated for the Selective Eligibility Test, in order to provide candidates and their parents with an opportunity to experience different school settings. The venue allocation has no bearing on your ultimate school preference. If you are interested in a place at anyone or all of Wilson's School, Sutton Grammar School or Wallington County Grammar School, your son needs to sit the Second Stage Entrance Examination at the school you have been allocated.

Can my son sit the shared Second Stage Entrance Examination if he has not sat the Selective Eligibility Test? 

No. It is a requirement that your son sits and passes the Selective Eligibility Test in order for him to sit the shared Second Stage Entrance Examination.

Are there any other opportunities to sit the shared Second Stage Entrance Examination? 

There are no alternative dates to sit the Second Stage Entrance Examination except in the case of a child not being fit to sit the test on the day. A medical certificate or other evidence confirming the position on the day of the test will be required.

Can we request a morning or afternoon slot for the Second Stage Entrance Examination? 

No. There will only be a morning session.

What if my child has special needs and will need special arrangements for the examination? 

You will have already provided details of these when completing the online Registration Form to register your child to sit the Selective Eligibility Test. You will have been informed of the arrangements, if any, that will be in place for your son for the shared Second Stage Entrance Examination.

When do I find out the outcome of the shared Second Stage Entrance Examination? 

Each school will send you a separate notification of the outcome of the Second Stage Entrance Examination for their school by email to parents/carers before the October half-term break. You will therefore have information about whether your son is eligible to be considered for a place at the school(s) before the final CAF deadline of 31 October 2024.

It is also important to note that Wilson's School and Sutton Grammar School and Wallington County Grammar School all have different Admissions Criteria and different methods of combining the scores from the SET and second stage tests and of calculating the final outcome of the entrance tests for our respective schools. This means that it is possible that a boy may pass the examinations for one or two of our schools and not for another. If your son has passed for Wallington County Grammar School, you will not, at any stage, be provided with his mark. We only provide details of the overall score achieved to candidates who do not pass the test. Please note that, because of over-subscription, passing the test does not guarantee the offer of a place at Wallington County Grammar School.

I have a question which isn’t covered here. What should I do? 

Please email the Admissions Officer on