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Wallington County Grammar School

Satchel-One (Show My Homework)

WCGS uses the online tool ‘Show My Homework’ to help keep track of your child’s homework. Show My Homework allows you to see the details of the tasks your child has been set, as well as their submission status and grades.

Show My Homework benefits include:

  • 24/7 access
  • View quality and quantity of homework
  • Translation into over 50 languages
  • Free apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android devices
  • Automated notifications before homework is due.

We hope that this service improves students’ organisation and time-management; helping them to keep on top of their workload.

For any questions about the service please contact the Show My Homework team.

Tel: 020 7197 9550

The WCGS contact is:

Mr D Jones,