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Wallington County Grammar School

In-year Admissions

Mid-Term Admissions Year 7 to 11

Applications for boys to join the school outside of the normal Year 7 admissions round can be made at any time (except, for Year 7, in the first term of entry). 

Making a mid-term application if you are overseas

Please click on the following link for information from the Local Authority in Sutton (updated June 2021) on making a mid-term application if you are overseas.

How to make a mid-term application (also referred to as 'in-year' application)

Please contact the Local Authority to make a mid-term application if you are seeking a place in Year 7 to Year 11. By clicking on the link below will direct you to the Local Authority Application Form that you must complete;

General information regarding mid-term applications & vacancies at Wallington County Grammar School

  • The Local Authority co-ordinate mid-term admissions and so please complete their In Year Application Form (which can be accessed by clicking on the link above) 
  • Our school is normally full in all year groups and it is unlikely that any vacancies will arise, but if a vacancy does arise in your son's year group and his details are on a mid-term waiting list, he will be invited in to the school to sit an entrance test. Please note: an entrance test would only ever be organised if a vacancy were to arise.
  • It is not therefore possible to tell parents what may be included in an entrance test, as a test paper is only created once a vacancy arises and a test is then planned.
  • Waiting lists are held for all year groups to 7 to 11. If no vacancies arise during the year, near the end of the academic year you will be contacted via email and informed that all waiting lists will be cancelled at the end of the summer term. At this point you will be given the opportunity to transfer your son's details to the next year's waiting list from September.
  • The only exception to this is with the Year 11 waiting list as when this is cancelled, all students may then make a separate application for a place in our Sixth Form.
  • Please note that it is not possible for boys to sit an Entrance Examination twice for the same academic year of entry.
  • Success in an Entrance Examination does not mean that a place will be offered to join our School as it is likely we will pass a few boys from an entrance test, but we may only have one vacancy in a year group.
  • The school would apply our oversubscription criteria if a vacancy were to arise and a test held.  
  • A parent has the right of appeal if not offered a place at our school. An appeal would normally be lodged once a candidate is tested and is not subsequently offered a place. Please refer to the Admissions, Appeals section of this website for further information.