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Wallington County Grammar School


On 1st March 2024 (National Offer Day) you will receive a communication from your home Local Authority regarding an offer of a secondary school place. If you have been unsuccessful in being offered a place at Wallington County Grammar School (WCGS), you have the right of appeal if you have made a valid application by listing Wallington County Grammar School (WCGS) on your Common Application Form (CAF).

Lodging an appeal for a Year 7 Place for 2024 entry

  • Parents/carers wishing to appeal must send a written request for an Appeals Pack.
  • We ask that your Appeal Against Admission Form and any supporting documentation you wish to provide are returned to the school by 16th April 2024 (midday).
  • Five copies of your Appeal Form and five copies of your supporting documentation must be provided (collated into five separate packs please). This is to ensure that the Clerk to the Appeals Panel and each of the three Appeals Panel members and the Presenting Officer at the school have a copy of your Appeals Form and any supporting documentation you wish to submit.  Please make every effort to send all documents to support your appeal at the same time, as it may not be possible to consider late submissions.
  • All Transfer to Secondary School Year 7 Appeals will then be heard within 40 school days of the submission deadline stated above.
  • You are given the opportunity to choose to have your appeal heard by a video Zoom link, a phone conference call or, if you prefer you can choose to have your appeal considered on the paperwork provided by you and the school to the Panel.
  • Please ensure that your supporting documentation is relevant to the grounds on which you are appealing. 
  • Once you have submitted your appeal, the Clerk to the Appeals Panel will let you know the date and time of your hearing, giving you at least 10 school days' notice, followed by joining instructions if you have opted to have it heard via conference call.
  • The Clerk to the Appeals Panel is independent of the school, and he/she will appoint an independent Appeals Panel to hear the formal appeals.
  • The outcome/result of your Appeal Hearing will be communicated to you by the Clerk to the Appeals Panel within 5 school days of your appeal being heard.
  • Decisions made by the Independent Appeals Panel are binding.  

Please click on the link below to read Department for Education guidance on the appeals process:

Advice for parents and guardians on school admission appeals