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Wallington County Grammar School

How to Apply to our Sixth Form

Sixth Form entry September 2024

Wallington County Grammar School's Sixth Form application process will only commence from GCSE results day in August 2024, when a student has received their confirmed GCSE Statement of Results. 

If you have already filled out a Google form for an application on Thursday 22/8 or Friday 23/8 we will create an account for you, and email you when you need to progress. You don't need to start here again.

September 2024 - Sixth Form Application

We recommend that you read the 2024 entry Admissions Criteria and Arrangements document for information regarding our application process, the minimum entry requirements needed to apply to our Sixth Form and what happens once your application is submitted.

Further information


Wallington County Grammar School provides a selective Sixth Form, admitting male and female students based on their GCSE, IGCSE or equivalent qualifications (if necessary, converting IGCSEs to GCSE point scores using the latest DfE guidance). We do not accept BTEC qualifications as a GCSE equivalent or GCSE Short Courses. A student with overseas qualifications should contact UK ENIC at for a Statement of Comparability to give official approval that the qualifications taken overseas are of the equivalent standard, and can be converted to GCSE grades by the Senior Leadership Team at Wallington County Grammar School to give an indicative Average Point Score (APS) and to be placed into the rank order of all external applicants.

All applicants for whom Wallington County Grammar School (WCGS) is the named school on their Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP), will be given priority if they reach the minimum entry requirements for Sixth Form entry.

Students of Sixth Form age may make their own application for a place in our Sixth Form. External applicants wishing to apply for our Sixth Form who reach our minimum entry requirements, are asked to complete an online application form via our website from GCSE results day in August 2024 until the end of the following school day to apply for our Sixth Form during the ‘normal’ round of admissions.

By this end date, all applications will be ranked on the average point score of a students’ top eight GCSEs and places will be offered in accordance with our admissions criteria. After this date, external applicants may still complete an online application form via our website to apply for a place in our Sixth Form and this will be classed as a ‘late’ application. All late applications will be ranked by Average Point Score (APS) when they are received. All further offers of places for our Sixth Form will be made to the applicant with the highest APS (which is the Rank Order referred to in the full admissions criteria and arrangements document), regardless of when they applied. Unsuccessful applicants and their parents/carers have the right of appeal.


The minimum entry requirements to study in our Sixth Form are to have achieved eight GCSEs:

  • Three of which are a minimum of Grade 7 and;
  • Three of which are at a minimum of Grade 6 and;
  • Two of which are at a minimum of Grade 5 and;
  • To have achieved a minimum of Grade 4 in English Language AND Mathematics.


If an applicant is out of the normal date range for the intake of students for that chronological year, the school asks that supporting documentation is provided no later than two months before any application is made to our Sixth Form. The expected date range of Sixth Form students for entry into Year 12 in 2025 is 01/09/2008 to 31/08/2009.

This supporting documentation should at least provide evidence from a professional to confirm why the student is outside the expected date range. When such a request is made, the Local Governing Body will make a decision on the basis of the circumstances of the case and in the best interests of the child concerned, taking into account the views of the Headteacher and any supporting evidence provided by the parent, plus:

  • Parents’/carers' views.
  • Information relating to the child’s academic, social and emotional development, where relevant.
  • Medical history and the views of a medical professional.
  • Any previous history of being educated16-19 Bursary Fund Policy outside their normal age group.
  • If the child may naturally have fallen into a lower age group if it were not for being born prematurely or being summer born and start of school was deferred.

Please find below our policy and application form for the 16-19 Bursary Fund.

16-19 Bursary Fund Policy 

Application for 16-19 Bursary Funds

Our uniform requirements can be found in our School Uniform Policy.